The Replacements 2.0 with Paul McDonald and Britt Mooney

This week on the Men at the Movies podcast, we close out our summer blockbuster series with the movie ET. This is a story of wonder, of how the impossible comes to what we think is ordinary, and colors the world differently. We find that when the supernatural touches your life, the impossible manipulates the environment and changes everything. But if we allow ourselves to stop worrying and connect to a life of mystery, mess, and miracles, we find that the impossible becomes possible. Join us as we discover God’s truth in this movie.


  • Most men feel like there are two men inside: the man we are, and the man we could become.

  • Anything that is worth anything requires resilience.

  • When we are in our darkest moments, the lies will come.

  • We measure ourselves by what we’re not rather than what we are.

  • If you numb the pain, you numb the joy.


  • Shane is two men: the one he is, and the one he could be. Bringing those men together requires certain elements.

    • Someone who sees his potential and see who he could be

    • To overcome his worst moments, his fear of failure

    • Changing the definition of success

    • Opposition from others

    • Old identity must be replaced

    • Find joy in the process

    • Must face his fears by being transparent and vulnerable

    • Needs encouragement from the men around him

    • Takes responsibility and owns his actions

    • Strength comes from knowing the truth of who he is

    • Knows he’s a part of something great, the story is larger than him

  • “Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever.”


  • Men at the Movies YouTube channel (@menatthemovies)


  • “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33 (NLT)

  • “For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!” - 2 Corinthians 4:17 (NLT)


  • What are the worst moments that people remind you of?

  • Who has seen your potential and encourages you to become that person?

  • How would you measure success in your life?

  • What has defined you to this point?

  • What lies hit you in your darkest moments? How do they feel like truth?

More info

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Edited and mixed by Grayson Foster (

Logo and episode templates by Ian Johnston (

Audio quotes performed by Britt Mooney, Paul McDonald, and Tim Willard, taken from Epic (written by John Eldredge) and Song of Albion (written by Stephen Lawhead).

Southerly Change performed by Zane Dickinson, used under license from Shutterstock



Die Hard 2.0 with Paul McDonald and Britt Mooney


E.T. with Paul McDonald and Britt Mooney